Understanding Frequent & Periodic Crane Inspection Tasks

If you have recently purchased a crane to help you with your business needs, then you should know that the crane must function properly. This is necessary for safety reasons and you will need to meet OSHA regulations when it comes to crane use. You also will be subject to inspections that are carried out at regular intervals. While OSHA officials may come to your business for a surprise inspection to make sure you are compliant, OSHA requires you to complete your own inspections on-site as well. These inspections include frequent and periodic inspections. Keep reading to learn the difference between the inspections and what is involved with each.

Frequent Inspections

Frequent inspections are the types of tasks that need to be completed on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. This depends on how much you use your crane. Specifically, inspections need to be completed before you use the device. The vast majority of the inspections involve visual ones and can be carried out quickly. 

Leaks and inspections to locate catastrophic deterioration issues are the most important when it comes to frequent inspections. When it comes to leaks, you will need to look over the entire hydraulic system and make sure that fluid is not being released from the hydraulic lines, drain pumps, valves, hydraulic pump, and the hydraulic reservoir. If a leak is noted, then a repair should be made before the crane is used. 

If the crane is a pneumatic one, then the device will need to be inspected for air leaks around air control flow valves, pneumatic cylinders, compressed air lines, and the air compressor itself. As with hydraulic cranes, leaks need to be repaired before the crane is used.

Along with leaks, hooks need to be inspected for signs of cracks. If a crack is noted, then the size will need to be evaluated to determine whether or not it is safe. If the crack is too large, then it will need to be repaired or a brand new hook will be needed. The hook should be inspected for twisting too, and twists should be considered when chains and other connections are looked over. In particular, the twisting can create some serious structural weakness and lead to hoist and load failure.

The crane should be looked over to see if any adjustments need to be made as well in terms of functionality. Crane operators may be asked about the poor function of the machine to figure out if adjustments need to be made to the controls.

Periodic Inspections

While frequent inspections deal with degradation issues that can cause the direct and unsafe failure of the crane, periodic inspections involve more long term issues that develop over years or months. While they can cause failure, the issues are typically seen over a period of time and undergo evaluation longer term. This means the problem can be noted and addressed before a failure occurs.

Periodic inspections involve identifying corrosion across the crane as well as locating loose bolts, rivets, and other sorts of attachments. Corrosion removal may be planned and the attachments can be secured if there is a need. Bolt removal and replacement may need to occur on occasion. Replacements of chains may be necessary as well when the inspection identifies stretched chains.

Internal crane parts are inspected at this time as well to see if pins, gears, bearings, rollers, and shafts are in good shape. These parts will typically be greased or oiled if there is a need. 

Electrical inspections are performed too to make sure wiring, control panels, limit switches, and buttons work correctly. Emergency stop buttons will be tested as well to make sure the crane can safely be stopped during a dangerous situation. 

OSHA crane inspections can be carried out by an employee who has gone through the necessary inspections and safety training. You also have the option of working with and inspections company to carry out the various inspections when they are needed. If you do not use your crane all the time, then it may be cost effective to use an outside company.  

To learn more, visit resources like https://amquipinc.com/.

About Me

Understanding Industrial Principles

After I started reading more and more about industrial and manufacturing topics, I realized that there were some basic concepts that worked across the board that would be helpful with my own building projects. For example, getting building materials for a low price and working them properly is essential for ending up with superior products. I started focusing on understanding and applying different concepts from manufacturing texts, and it really helped me to create a more effective home and shop. Check out this blog for great information on manufacturing, and how to incorporate it into your own live every day.


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